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3 Steps to finding health insurance in San Antonio, Texas

Searching for a health insurance plan can often become frustrating.  It is not easy finding the time to do the research necessary in order to obtain an insurance plan that perfectly matches your needs, and is within your budget.  If you're wondering how to begin, we can help.  Below are three key steps for finding a great health insurance plan in San Antonio, Texas.

Facts About San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
San Antonio is a major city in south, Texas with a rich colonial heritage.  One of its greatest attractions is on the San Antonio River.  The miles-long River Walk is lined with quaint and festive cafes and shops.
Thanks to the mostly mild weather and the walkable city center, San Antonio has long been a buzzing hub for business conferences.  The historical Alamo naturally attracts a parade of tourists.  When you visit San Antonio you'll find a friendly, unfussy atmosphere, offering a depth of history and natural beauty.
1. Compare different types of health care plans

There are several types of health plan options to consider.  Even some that you may not be aware of - like faith-based health plans.  Faith-based health plans, or health care sharing plans, (as they are sometimes referred to), function very much like traditional health insurance plans.  However, they are not insurance plans at all - at least not in a legal sense.  There are also the new short-term plans.  They are so different from what was offered previously, they should be considered a brand new option.  We will touch on all the options available in the San Antonio Texas region, below.

Health plan options In San Antonio Texas Include:

  • Traditional health insurance plans.
    Traditional health insurance refers to health insurance plans that are offered via the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Companies offering these plans include: BlueCross BlueShield, Aetna.
  • Short-term health insurance.
    Short-term health insurance plans are not so "short" any more.  Do to recent changes in health insurance guidelines, you can now, in some cases, keep the same low-cost short-term health insurance plan for a year or more - making such plans a serious long-term health insurance option.  Companies offering these plans include: United Healthcare, National General.
  • Faith-based healthcare coverage (Healthcare sharing plans).
    Faith-based, or healthcare sharing plans is the exponentially exploding new market.  Their unique plan structure makes such plans an intriguing and affordable alternative to traditional health insurance plans.  Companies offering these plans include: OneShare Health.

When reviewing your health plan options, be sure to take a close look at the summary of benefits of each plan you are considering.  Most health plans summaries can be found online somewhere within the description of benefits on most any major health insurance plan website.  If you don't see it, request it before applying for any plan.  A provider directory, which displays the facilities and doctors that are part of the plan's physician network, should also be readily available.

Also, when comparing various plans, make certain to pay serious attention to your family's current medical needs.  Consider the cost and manner of treatment you have gotten in the past.  Though it is not possible to foretell every future medical circumstance, being aware of your family's medical history can assist you in making the right decision.

Methodist Hospital - health insurance
Methodist Hospital
7700 Floyd Curl Drive, Main Entrance
San Antonio, TX 78229
Telephone: (210) 575-4000
Plus Code: GC5H+54 San Antonio, Texas

2. Review physician / hospital Networks

Be sure to check the hospital/physician network of any plan that you are considering.  Make certain the specific hospitals or doctors you desire, are participating in the network.  The expense of utilizing a physician or hospital that is out-of-network, can be staggering.  Insurance firms negotiate with physicians and hospitals to obtain more reasonable rates.  When you opt out of the network, those negotiated rates are not available to you.  If you have personal doctors and you want to keep visiting them, make certain they are part of the provider network associated with your plan.

3. Compare out-of-pocket costs

Perhaps the most important part of any health plan is the amount you will be responsible to pay should a medical need arise.  Make sure you have a clear understanding of what your plan will pay toward a medical bill, and what you will be required to pay.  You need to be clear on this issue for most every possible medical circumstance.  This includes office visits, x-rays and laboratory tests, emergency room visits, hospital procedures and stays, etc.  Also, make sure you know the maximum amount your plan will pay toward every medical circumstance.  Many plans have lifetime limits.  Some plans have procedure limits.  These are things you do not want to learn of after you gone through a medical circumstance.  You need to have pertinent knowlege concerning these issues before you purchase your health insurance plan. When it comes to finding a good health insurance plan in San Antonio, there is a lot you need to know.  Talk to the experts.  We are happy to help.  Give us a call today.

Other articles:
Explaining The Growth of Healthcare Sharing Healthplans
Is Short-Term Health Insurance Right For You?

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