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How much does a Medicare Supplement Plan Cost In San Mateo, California?

How much does a Medicare supplement plan cost in San Mateo, California?  Well, that depends upon a variety of factors.  Generally, Medicare supplement plan monthly premiums run slightly higher in California than they do in most other states.  But there are other factors that have a far greater impact on price.

We will list the factors that impact the premium rates of Medicare supplement insurance.  They are ordered from the most significant impact, to the least:

  • Plan Type
  • Age
  • Company
  • Tobacco Use
  • Health Status
  • Region

Plan Type
The most significant factor is the plan type that you choose.  For example, the monthly premium of a plan type "F" is going to be significantly higher than the monthly premium of a "high deductible plan type F".  This is because each Medicare supplement plan type offers a different benefit structure.  All supplement plans are designed to cover medical costs that are not covered by traditional Medicare.  However, some plans pick up more medical costs than others.  These benefit differences are reflected in monthly premium.

With very few exceptions, the older you are, the higher your monthly premium.

Good to know:  Looking for healthcare related savings?  Join the Farm Bureau.  Believe it or not, you don't need to be a farmer to join your state's farm bureau.  By paying an annual membership fee you become eligible for all sorts of benefits - including discounted group health insurance in some states.  If you or your spouse are self-employed, this may work for you.  For more information, Google "farm bureau" and your state's name.

San Mateo Medical Center - healthcare sharing plans
San Mateo Medical Center
222 W 39th Ave
San Mateo, CA 94403
Telephone: (650) 573-2222
Plus Code: GPJ2+G7 San Mateo, California

In San Mateo, Medicare supplement monthly premiums vary wildly depending upon which insurance company you buy the plan from.  The fact that plan benefits may be exactly the same, does not mean the monthly premium will be.  While traditional Medicare is a government program, Medicare supplement plans are offered by private insurance companies.  They get to set the pricing of the plans they offer.

Tobacco Use
Most insurance companies in California will charge a slightly higher monthly premium for Medicare supplement coverage if you smoke or chew tobacco.

Health Status
In some cases, if you are not enrolling within the open enrollment - guarantee issue time frame for Medicare supplement coverage, some companies in California will charge you a higher rate if you have specific medical issues.  Please contact us if you have questions concerning this.

Unlike most states in the U.S., Medicare supplement insurance plan rates in California are not affected by gender.  Regardless of your gender, the monthly premium rates are the same.

The cost of your Medicare supplement plan can vary moderately dependent on where you live within the state.  There are a multitude of factors that impact this variance of pricing within California.  Such factors include:  The regional costs of physician and hospital services, Fee schedule negotiated by the insurance companies for services.  Fee schedule negotiated by the insurance companies for prescription drug pricing.

On Average For 2024

On average, in San Mateo, California, for a standard plan A, the average monthly premium for a 65 year old non-tobacco applicant would be:  $108 - $159.
Insurance carriers offering Medicare Supplement plan in San Mateo, CA include:  Blue Cross of California, Blue Shield of California, Healthnet, Aetna, Transamerica, IAC, Cigna, Gerber Life and Mutual of Omaha.

Good to know:  You shouldn't promptly pay medical bills.  Yes, you read that right.  The reason is, healthcare providers tend to send bills well before the insurance company has decided what part of the claim they are obligated to pay.  The average person sees a bill and thinks they are obligated to pay it.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Health care companies routinely shoots out bills to everyone one involved - regardless of who is actually responsible for paying it.  You need to know what the insurer is going to pay before you do anything.  Our advice? Don't pay a dime until you get an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) from your insurer that explains your claim and how much they are paying.

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Explaining the Growth of HealthCare Sharing Plans.
3 Steps in Acquiring Medicare Supplement Insurance Coverage in California

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